Sunday, June 7, 2009

my wekend

This week, on friday I went home with my mom and I went to sleep then play soem game. On saturday I stay home and clean the house and after noon. I went to eat with my mom then goes to my friend house and stay there. At 1am my friend drove me and I was so dam sleepy. On sunday I stay hom and play game until I did all the blog. bb


Im so tire, next week gonna be final and then, OMG summer. I been waiting for it so long. I feel so happy now that cst is over and finnal gonna be over soon. I hope I have a great sujmmmer.


Far from a distance land
I met a girl dream
She look so light
as if
she floot on air.
Far from a distance land
I saw a girl
who look like her
She seem so shy
that why
that why
that why she wont speak
to me.

I knew her
from my dream
She seem so kind
that I want her.


There is nothing in the world
That I can't get
Money lies under my feet
Servant under my rule
I have it all
but happiness is so far away.
It seem so close
I put my hand on it
and it slip away.

Monday, June 1, 2009


My weekend was so fun. I went party until the more after sunday. I went to watch movie later. I watched drag me to hell. It was so awesome and hella creepy. Then I watched up. It was so funny and hilarious. I watched night at the museum. The monkey was so funny.

A girl

A girl came to me
dressing in white
and then she smile
her teeth are so bright
that it made me high
I didn't know why
and so I lie
about my life.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

this is my final one......for today. XD im going walking so im gonna type this one fast. today my aunt was going to work but we actually went to my mamas shop. then we went to church. i finally talked to the girl i liked since last year!! dang! my heart felt!! XD mayb this year i can have a gf?............for d past few years, i have been rejected bcause of my "handsome" looks............but u got to admit, i look "handsome" huh? ok bb!! XD