Saturday, January 24, 2009

Poem, remember my name

Remember my name
so you can call me in your dream
Just a little bit of love
drove me to desolation

Am I still in love
since I misses you
You have forgotten
but I still remember

Since you step out to goes
I stay in pain and suffer
White cloths I wore
sitting in your room

Storms rage and hail crash
when you return to me
So sad and lonely
the night covered you

Once, on the hill
you made poems
Flower and tree sing and dance
It will be the last

Bird flying south
Fly over your grave
I realize I was in love
It was too late by now

Oh my poor love
Fairy tale is just a story
All I wish is together
But why God play with our life

Now I turn my head around
wish you good bye
Please don't stop the time
I will look forward to life. 

1 comment:

Lorita said...

I like how you use poem as a person who is waiting for you. You know, I think that you should keep all these poems and one day publish it in a book.